[[ [ Hello<3stoppah. ] ]]

To burp out loud is to belch sort of unexpectedly, as if to slip sort of spontaneously, and--despite the custom "oops" that follows--with a bit of necessity. It's a self-satisfying gesture, at times executed with a complex mix of bewilderment, rage, affection, or fulfillment. In spite of one's earnest efforts, some ring more obnoxiously than others--with no intention of offense. In such instances, it is expected that those guests sitting wide eyed across from the bum act with the similar, and understand burping as a natural process to fun understanding. Feel free to set fire to any falsely assumed restrictions. Burp as if you were born free; set your feet upon the dinner table and let loose a button or two.

--Shi Bum Bumm

(formerly: xX9.tailed:NekoXx)


I haven't been writing 'Muziq' at the top because I've been watching more TV...

argh. I finally finished getting everyone's Christmas gift, just before the break.
Hopefully I'll run into lgxfuadxxx during school to give her Shadow's gift...

hmmm... I love the holiday. We get off, get to spend lovely time with the family, giving gifts, getting gifts... I love the Christmas spirit.
But I feel like it's only celebrated for secular reasons and that annoys me. Jesus wasn't even born in fleepin December, wasn't it July? somethin like that... A friend and I were talkin about it a couple o' days ago, he's atheist but that doesn't really matter. He was right in saying that the holiday has turned completely secular.
And my Mom's getting me a Wacom Tablet for Christmas :DDDDDDD
I'm sure that sounded hypocritical, but I cannot tell a lie, I do like those presents. and I had no other way of inserting those two things without sounding like a hypocrite XD

Just finished my STYOOPID S.S. review sheet. makes me all happeh inside :']

Ooooohh, I just noticed this. Can't read it now, but I'ma print it out tomorrow so I can read it during school and comment it later. Sounds interesting.

ummmm, gots2go~. g'nite peepz.

I'm running out of these...


[SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*shot multiple times*] ...[ee....eee....e~~~]


Oh Crapcake.

i'm grounded ~___~. Don't bother asking why, it's not a big deal but I can't use the computer XP pOOOoop.
ttyl guys, got lots of homework to do >__<

oh yeah, thank you so much to those who took my quiz and commented :D

*stabs title space*

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well, this is the quiz I made with my aunt, but since I did most of it and she's barely on theO, she said I could post it.

I wanna change a few things but I don't think it's possible to edit a quiz ;_; BUT THAT'S OKAY, GO TAKE IT ANYWAYZ :D

aaaaand, I posted a new wally 'nd e-card :3

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so yep yep yep.

geez, 6 more days till MY EPIC TWO-WEEK vacation X'D

and I was tagged by Virtual Rum in an e-mail. she still doesn't know how to use theOtaku ~____~

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

1. I'm watching Catscrath on 122 [like anyone cares o_O]

2. I have hyperextension in my knee

3. I usually get a Chai frap. @ Starbucks

4. I bought a book on Dreams from Borders Friday, I'm interested in that stuff =P

5. yo necessito usar el bano. REALLY BADLY.

6. I used to eat everything with syrup when I was younger. It started with eggs. Then it took over my whole diet 0_o EVEN FRENCH FRIES 'ND HAWT DOGS DX

7. I call my cell phone the "Ninja-Terminator Phone" b/c it's been droped so many times that it has dents in it and the paint's been peeling off.

8. I gained like, 3 ppounds over the Thanksgiving weekend. maybe a lil more than that XD ....OKAY, NAWT THAT MUCH D:

9. I was a really fat babeh :3 my aunt makes fun of me because I had like, 5 rolls of baby fat on each leg. But that's coz I'm really tall >.>

10. errrrr, I've never broken a bone or anyhting [and I hope it stays that way o_o]

11. The girl that does the voice of Dora the Explorer used to go to my highschool, but she'd get mad anytime someone asked her about it.

12. I had horrible handwriting when I was little.

13. My biggest dream is to travel.

14. uhhh... I'm a horrible conversation starter >__<

15. I can't wait till Lost starts again in January XD

16. I'm gonna go sue le potty noa x__X

I Tag:

the first 16 people that see this ._.'

Jeez, When's The Last Time I Posted?

I'm sure it wasn't THAT long ago but I haven't been active for a while.
I got that password trouble all figured out though [THANK YOU <Gail3 !!!!!!!1!11ONE]

Soooo~ I don't know what the heek to write about...

What have I been up to you ask? TheOtaku wise?
Let me tell joo:

- I just tried submitting my first bit of news on theO [EPIC. to me at least >>;]. it probably won't go through but whatever. at least I tried :'3

- I've got more art to submit: well, they're actually doodles I did during school .__. But I think they came out perrrdy gooood. The rest of my artwork I haven't exactly finished yet ^^

Anything else? yep, I'll mention a few.

- I MUST get another Bo-BoBo manga. I flippin LOVE it. It's so ridiculously stupid, but that makes it HILARIOUS. Most of the peepz I know hate it but I managed to find a few good chaps who love it just as much as I do. ='D

- I think the Flying Boba is becoming one of Chiibz' fav. drinks .__. She's modified it a bit tho and the fact that it's supah cheap makins it FTW X3
Just thought I'd mention that incase Sam's reading this.

- I'm going to watch my friend's crazy science teacher blow up a tennis ball [filled with matches and such] during 1st period tomorrow. Can't wait XD

This is SO you Catherine. so you.


Crapcrapcrap! ! !

I changed my password the other day and can't remember it, wow, I'm such an idiot! >.<
I just realized this when I tried logging in from another computer and couldn't remember my PW.


I know what it had to do with but I don't remember how I worded it TT_____TT

*is sad inside*

bleh, what should I do...?
I was gonna try different PWs during school but they recently went on a Blocking Spree and blocked theO. So I can't try during school. BLEH.
I'll try Pming Adam or something. . .