...*inhale exhale x2* kay, I was randomly thinking 'bout my violin ('coz I was in orchestra ya kn0?). So I start looking up some anime music (that I can actually play >3>. *coughs sentence*: I'm not a prodigy like a certain Mr. Bradly) *cough cough*
Anywayz! So I looked around for my violin and became frantic...'coz.....IT'S NO WHERE IN SITE
I think we put it in the attic or something when I re-did my r0om. (I thought my m0m said it was only "temporary", I pr0mise Chiibs 'n `Shadow!!!!!!!!! ^^;)
But yeah, I miss playing the violin . It was truly apart of me. (I KN0 I KNOOOOoooooOOOooo, I kinda became less enthused about playing by 8th grade..((So No Smart Remarks U Guys!))). (And plus everyone knows we got a crappy teacher dat grade!
And yeah, when I played Kyle#2's viola I sucked (I n0 this too, `Shadow!). It's 'coz I really don't like playing infront of pplz unless I'm playing with the whole orchestra or at lessons. ~____~;;. So I'ma ask meh m0m to take my *dramatic chibi voice enters* p0or lil vi0lin outa tha c0old, cruel, and ScArY attic.. Then I'll beg someone to tune it..*cough* chibi *cough*.. (OMG WILL THE STRINGS CRACK OR SUMTHIN'?!!?)
TT____TT I have totally wronged my violin...