I'm soo weirded out.
Lately I've been having these wacko dreams, like a string of just RANDOMNESS every nite.
Probably Definetely because of the lack of sleep >____>;;; ...so yeahh, all meh fault ^^;
But last nite, one of the dreams I can remember was about Iruka Sensei o_0
nope, not the Naruto Iruka [which woulda made more sense] but the actual theO.com member.
It's not like I PM her 'n we talk or anything, I just had this tricked out dream.
Well, maybe it'z coz I usually end up going to the Members link everyday and see her at the top and always take note of how many subscribers she 'n Adam have. I dunno why...?
In my dream, Iruka Sensei was a world renowned CHEF o___o like on TV 'n crap with her own parades. And she lived in France. But traveled Europe because of her awesome cooking skillz.
So I was in France in the middle of the parade chattin in up with Iruka Sensei [plus, ya know her current avatar? She looked like that too...] and gawking at her fame [she had an extremely tight schedule]. On theO she was even more popular, like a celebrity. Her subscribers were her fangirls and fanboys O_____o Adam was a fanboy too....
I'm not sure if more happened... It'd be so weird if she was reading this by chance O__________O
well, w/e. I'ma post it up ANYWAYZ!!
now I'ma go eat some breakfast [can't beleive I woke up this late...]