I'm watching the Olympics that came on around 12:00am.
It's the Mens vollyball team China vs. Austria.
I'm rooting for China, those dudes are dang hot
Their names are Wu and Xu, I likez Xu [nickname's Tiny but he's 6ft7" XD]
I had this weird dream last nite too, I can tell it was no where near finished. This was one of the dreams that I call 'Story Dreams'. I'll dream the rest of the dream tonight and during the week. >____> Unfortunately it wasn't a happy dream it was pretty frustrating. Had something to do with trials too o__O
[UPDATE: aw poo, I remember the whole dream now... I'd rather not be in it again but w/e. *sigh*]
"GO XU!!!!!!!!!!!"
If they're reading this, thanx to my newest subscribers for the subscription ^^. I was happy when I had two subscribers [which were my two friends from school XD] and now I have 38 which is like, odd to me. But you guys are all coolness ^-^
Then won their first set, 21/16 XD chya beh-beh
I'll be around ^^
UPDATE: *reads some of post* wowz, lotz o' broken up sentences... *shrugz*