I'm pretty tired so I'm sign'n off...
I just remembered, I had a pretty scary dream last night ._____. I doubt I'll finish it tonight [sometimes the story dreams are take 3 nights to finish over a period of a month o.o [[it happnez tho]]].
Thanx for the comments you guys, joo all make meh feel special[-ed] XD :3
And, is Furry-Chibi alive??! She didn't call me [LE GASP!] or make a post [not so suprising =P]. Maybe she's gone into Chibi-Zombie mode 0__0 [also not so shocking >P].
Chibi-Zombie: When chiibz is super-glued to her moniter watching long anime of azn dramas. She does not eat. She does not drink, nor does she sleep. She doesn't move to use ze bathroom or answer any phone calls! Many a times she has been pressumed D-E-A-D for DAYZ WEEKZ! When in reality she was in CHIBI-ZOMBIE MODE