Jeebus Creepers, I Can't Wait To Party Wit Mah Rum <3

Muziq: Switching between Lou Dobbs Tonight and Harball With Chris Mathews.
Time: 7:18pm

Lou Dobbs is soooo for John McCain =__= He's pretty biased in my opinion, dun like watching him too much because of that. And while I like watching Hardball and believe Chris has lotz o' good stuff to say, he often interrupts his guests during their comments.

SO GUESS WHAT?? Mah marching band peepz should be arriving home from Syracuse very soon. Apparently some not so good stuffz happened over thar, can't wait till Rum gets home. I'll hafta smother her with love. SHE'LL BE OVER TAKEN WITH OVERLY JUBILANT HUGZ OF JOY >8D lawlz, yeah~~
Chiibz'll be home too. Thank pork 'n beans fer that. I've been oh so deprived of my daily dose of baka-chibiness ;__; [LE FORCE COMMANDS JOO TO COME BACK!!] I'll have to fill her in on how boring my life's been too ~___~

Soo... I picked up my sketchbook today, I'll have to show the pic to my aunt so she can point out all its disproportionate wonders :D Hopefull they're not too drastic .___.

Had gym today. Outside. Twaz plentiful in geese poopy. My gym teacher tried telling us that it's just recycled grass. hmm, that didn't help much considering that this 'recycled grass' stunk like heck and got stuck to the bottom of our sneakers >___< DARN U GEESE.

bleh. I don't think there's much else to say. Except for the fact that I got a 58% on my math quiz [o__x] It only had 3 questions so there was a more likely chance of getting something wrong but... poo. I didn't fully undestand that lesson.. I think my brain's just incapable of doing math DX

Social Studies FTW :333 That's like, my best 'n favourite subject, not that I'm doing great in there either, AP's wayyy harder x__X

GAH~! I shall now end this post with a pic brought to you by Jeff Thomas. enjoy~

EDIT: [7:57pm] Gettin off now coz *Le Gasp!* Chiibz called :D
So g'nite guyz, have a loverly night :]
