Jumbalacka Poo

Time: 9:33pm

~yawn~ ahhhh, I'm soo tired.
Just finished my math homework but I'm saving Spanish and S.S. for later... or tomorrow during classes =____=

I'm looking up stuff on Lewis Carroll right now. I had to analyze his poem, "Jabberwocky" for English homework last night and I liked a lot. I was even moorree interested in him once I learned that his wonderful children's storys (ex.: Alice in Wonderland) were inspired by his drug use. My teacher was like, "think about it, Alice was poppin' pills to get taller and shorter" others referenced the wacked out cat. Yah~ apparently a movie's coming out in the summer of '09, Johnny Depp plays the Mad Hatter ^3^
That sparked an odd interest in Lewis Carroll for meh :]~

Anyhoo, Wednsday was perdy interestin'... When the bell rang and in the halls, ALL I heard was "Obama this" and "Obama that" twaz awesome. Lots of fun too. I didn't get to take part in the conversations as much tho, I maybe talked to like, two or three people about it in real depth. Lotz o' laughs X] Ha~ even those who I knew would be ticked (obviously an understatement..) were all smiles, you can't help it when everyone's in such a great mood. Good times, Gooooood timesss.

Anime club's back on ^__^. We were cancelled because someone lost the papers which would make us an official club (even though it's been running for like 3yrs already). Basically, the teacher doing it this year wouldn't get payed so he couldn't do it (the teacher that had done it for 3yrs left the school T__T we still keep contact tho). BUT THANK GAWSH WE GOT SOMEONE TO DO IT FER FREEEEEEEEE :D
So the elected leaders and officials of the club (including myself, Assistant Executive) are building the club back up and creating rules 'n such. I just finished making the contract last night, it's perrrdy good :] and long >:]

. . .
mhmm, if you read the whole post then you must've realized how boring my life is :]~ The most interesting to happen to me today was probably anime club ~____x and I'm still tired ;__; BLAH.

[Grrrr, this is turning into a long post .____.; I guess that's enuff fer today ^^]

Garsh, can't wait till the weekend. Cya~~
