Flim - Flam

Muziq: Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Time: 8:44pm

Sooo, this morning I was walking to my bus stop all "speedy-like", right? and I suddenly trip 'n fall over this jumble of branches. The jeans I was wearing have a big hole on the right knee area (from a time when I fell in the eight grade. it grew. a lot >.>) and when I look down, there's another flippen hole on the other knee.
So yeah~ the kid at the bus stop noticed that my knee was bloody-ish so I explained what happened. The night before I was buggin my Mom to let me stay home from school and I called her from the stop coz my knee was stinging, bloody, and had dirt around it [ewwieee]. Wellz, she just got more annoyed by then =___= but I walked home, cleaned it, and got a ride to school. Gah. Lovely start to my day [^__x]. My head was pulsing during lunch too, dunno why that happened.

After gym (8th period), I thought about how stupid and annoying kids in my school can really be (which was confirmed by the end of 9th period >_<). I mean, they're real 'tards at times.
But I realized that a lot of good times come from how stupid my class acts. I also realized that many a times, not all of ‘em are acting ~____~;. Now that can lead to some problems.

And then I wonder about the kids who SERIOUSLY have no lives. They spend what seems like a good portion of their lives ruining OTHER people's lives. It's like watching one of those movies that takes place in an overly dramatic high school with over-the-top kids. I never knew we had that but I've obviously been in the dark about how low peepz in my school can get >:|

Blah. There are also some kids who sit behind Chiibz 'n I in College Website Design. I mean, it's SO stupid, to a point where it become unbearably funny. But I wanna get one of those sledge hammers that The Shadow Prince is always talkin' about and hit 'em with it >=O
Chiibz's PM during class sums it up:

Furry-Chibi: haha i wanna stab those people behind usssss!!!! soo whaa if we're nerds, they're a buncha hairy asses.

yeahhh~ We are nerds. Coz nerdz b sexeh. =F lawlz.
For some reason they like to call us crap to get us mad, but we pretty much ignore them. Ha~ while trying not to bust out laughing.
... idk.

*looks up* GAH! I didn't mean for it to be long again x___X
*is done typing*

External Image

G'night peepz :]

EDIT: Juss changed my BG, I likez it!
