2nd Post::. FLYING BOBBAAAAAA~~~~!

Muziq: Way Down In The Hole- M.I.A. & Blaqstarr [LOVE this song 8]]
Time: 9:17pm

Oh shiz, I didn't do ANY of my homework ;A; *DIES*

And I've been on the FLEEEEEPIN phone and laptop since like, 11:40am, which is about an hour after I woke up [@____@]. And I've been talking to the same three people, The Shadow Prince, Furry-Chibi, and Virtual Rum x___X [wayyyyy too much hyper-active, ero, spazticness for one day D:]

And as for the title, Furry-Chibi 'nd I went to Starbucks and the library on Friday. And what did we buy? TEH AMAZING FLYING BOBA :D **bought to you by Sesshy.Uber.Rad ;] It was perdy good =d and darn cheap.

ha, I'm gonna go nowwww--- So much homework, so very tired, and so little time. . .
g'nite peepz.

P.S. Furry-Chibi: It's Show Luo =O BUT WORRY NOT! TIZ FULL O' PIZZAZZ =]
