
Muziq: Home - Three Days Grace [playing in my head at least
Time: 8:28pm

Upcoming mid-terms:

Tuesday: AP European History
Wednsday: Earth Science
Thursday: Intergrated Geometry

. . .whyyyyyyyy? |:<

well answering why I have mid-terms tomorrow won't help me or change anything.
so on to the more important question--- why haven't I studied at all today? WHYY? THA HECK IS WRONG WITH MEEEE??!

[I don't have a clear answer for the first part of the question and I'm sure there's a list for the second :x]

*sigh* I'm surprisingly calm though. Whenever I feel the least bit worried about tomorrow a voice in my head repeats "you'll be fiiine, it's studying and memorizing.. it'll be fine..easy." over and over again, a sobering effect of mine.
[wow. that didn't sound crazy. not. at. alll.]

So I suppose I should go study now.. 'cause I know just how terribly wrong that voice is.

[EDIT] *9:50pm errm. it's kinda hard to leave a convincingly cheery or optimistic comment for someone with an avie of someone shooting their head off in a pool of blood... Hopefully those peepz will just..um... overlook that. I am suuuuuuucchhhh a hypercrit sometimes >> [/EDIT]

[EDIT] *10:17pm woah. it just SNOWED in DUBAI. DUBAI. Apparently it's only the second time in recorded history that that's happened. interesting. ........ Gonna go clean up > make a pile of all the notes to study tomorrow morning b4 the test > go to bed. unless my phone happens to ring *COUGHCHIIBZCOUGHRUMCOUGH* :3 *yawwwwwwnn* night everyone[/EDIT]
