
Time: 9:01pm

Argh. Writing a Task 2 essay for my English class. Evil, evil essay.
hm. It's actually not very hard at all and my teacher wasn't joking [or being sarcastic, 'cause she usually is] when she said it was easy. I'm just a horrible procrastinator.
...sooo. evilevilprocrastination >.<

ummm. oh! I made a kewl-lookin e-card early for Valentines Day. I guess I'll submit it then 'cause it's most likely to get more hits.

Well well. I suppose I'll go take a shower and head to bed or something. Darn. I knew I'd end up writing that darn thing during lunch >>________<<

And sorry for the lack of comments peepz, I haven't been on much. How have you all been?
