Where've I Been???

Muziq: Do For Love - 2Pac
Time: 8:58pm

I'm back :D Well, I was never gone but w/e.

I've got a group assignment to work on for AP Euro: all my info's due on Tuesday and our presentation is on Friday. funfunfun.
So I'm gonna work on that tonight >__<

So here's what I've been doing lately, photoshop wise:

As you can see, I changed my background. That's what it looks like below, full screen.

External Image

Made 100% by Moi.

And if you look at the bottom you can see the three e-cards I made for Valentines Day :] Wooooo~ yeyfun.
I'm not much of a Valentines Day person but it's good inspiration for e-card making.

Changed my avie too!

And if you haven't checked this out already, please do ^__^. Thanks to those who commented already, I really appreciate it! <3

External Image

Ummmm. Life? What have I been doinf with it lately?
Absolutely nothing :D Ain't that great?
Course it is. Well now I'ma go study up on Proto-Industrialization stuff.
Sorry for the lack of comments D: I read all your posts though, promisssse~
