Muziq: Poker Face - Lady Gaga
Time: 8:25pm

Hey guys, I just got home from a college fair at my school. I'm a sophmore but I want to check out colleges early. Oh! and the BESSSTtt part is the butt load of free stuff they give >:D

anyhow. I tried writing a post from my phone last night but I fell alseep and so the link expired [I fell asleep 'round 11:40 and woke up at 3 somethin in the a.m.].
Basically, it explained why I've been gone for so long
[why ~> LOTS OF DANG SCHOOL WORK] [...mostly AP EURO and English. so blame them]
Lots of crap's gone down since my last post, as always. Good stuffz too though :D But I s'pose it's all old news now so I won't bother posting it [nevermind that I forgot half of it anywayz].

I've really missed you guys. Sorry for not commenting in, like, over a month or however long. I read posts now and then, logged on when I could. The essays dragged me back to the pit of hell. Try as I might, I could not escape. Yes. That would be my excuse.

I'm gonna go now ~> Clean up a bit ~> OHCRAP I DIDN'T FINISH MY AP HOMEWORK >.<

Byebye now :]
