My Fuzzy Alarm Clock

I sometimes wonder why I bother setting my alarm clock. After all, I have a rabbit and he's quite capable of waking me up in the morning. I'm sure if he could talk he'd put his little forepaws on the edge of my bed and say, "WAKE UP! It's time to FEED ME!"

Yeah, I let my rabbit run around loose at night. They're more or less nocturnal so it makes sense. (Actually, they're most active in the twilight hours, but I sleep through those in the morning.)

He can't talk, so he's found other ways to make sure I wake up in the morning. Recently, he's taken rather drastic measures.

Now, my bed is actually a twin-sized mattress resting on a box spring on the floor. No bed frame whatsoever. To keep Giol off the bed I've put up a baby fence. A really old, folding baby fence. It's fairly effective, but there's one spot in the corner where the plastic at the top is worn away creating a perfect bunny-sized hole.

You see where this is going, right?

Last weekend I slept in a lot. I was just tired. Really, really tired. By Monday Giol had enough of getting breakfast late, so around 6:30 am I awoke to a large, fuzzy bundle landing in my face.

He'd jumped through the hole in the fence.

I picked him up and chucked him over the side of the fence. Maybe ten minutes later, *WUMP!* back in my face again.

Chuck over the fence. *WUMP!* in my face.

I think it was the forth repetition when I finally gave up and fed him. He was very happy.

Problem is, I've been waking up to bunny butt in my face every day since then. *sigh* For some people this would be when they'd start looking up recipes for rabbit stew. Me, I just live with the fuzz, and try to get to sleep in good time.

Giol has no idea how lucky he is.
