Winter's coming

I've been feeding Giol fresh grass and weeds all summer. Not only is it free but it's probably better for him.

But winter's coming and I won't be able to do that any more. It wouldn't be such a bad thing except for one little detail.

You see, when I first got him he'd sneeze rather often. I was also feeding him Timothy hay. When the weather got warmer I stopped in favor of the more cost effective weeds. Giol also stopped sneezing but I didn't make the connection to Timothy hay until I fed his some again and he sneezed.

Rabbits can be allergic to hay? Or maybe there's something the do to the hay during processing that he's reacting to.

The point is it makes him sneeze, and I don't want him sneezing all winter (bad enough I do that). But grass is a very important part of a rabbit's diet. What do I do?? I could feed him lettuce and other veggies from the grocery, but I really think something more grass-like should be included in his diet.

The joys of pet parenting.
