Seven Years

So my past weekend was fail and then win. There was no Cherry Blossom festival. I was car pooling with a friend, Nadji from school, his girlfriend Sara and my cousin Carlos. We all know each other so it was even better but once near downtown Silver Spring we got a flat tire D:
Things got worse, Nadji got really really upset since he's really low on money and we had no idea what to do. We waited for about an hour to get a truck to pick up the car because we didn't have an extra tire. So yeah, this ruined our plans of going to the festival, eating afterwards and yeah. We could have taken the metro but we were planning on going out to eat right after the festival.

So the rest of the day I mostly spent it on shatting bricks over DOGS chap 28, iconing the crap out of it. I'm sorry I've been inactive here lately, I'm getting bad at updating aren't I? To be honest, this whole VV thing is uh..pretty "???" But I'll try to get used to it because I insisit on keeping in touch with you awesome people. Let's see..I started watching Gundam 00, Code Geass R2 and Doctor Who. Good stuff, I finished Baccano! And that was amazing. I'm definitely cosplaying from it at Otakon.

Sunday was win, I skipped church school and headed to Fredrick with my brother, Daniel, his friend Azita, my sister Griselda, her boyfriend Richie and his family and friends. Total it ended up being about 18 of us. We went down there to play paintball paiiinball, which was my first time. Ohhh man, I had a ton of fun. Despite getting his 3-5 times on the hip, knee and arm. Oh and not wearing the appropiate clothing too, camoflaudge. Alot of people showed up with big gear and uhh..haha I kinda had a Nill moment, lol. Oh and the pain is insane, its as if someone threw a huge rock at you, kfjdklfjfdlgdgj. Poor Azita got hit on the neck, but when you get hit, you've got to suck it up and keep going on in these games. We left around 11AM and got home around 5PM. In total I think we ended up playing 6-7 games in the 6 fields. It was a ton of fun though, felt very real like those Call of Duty games, haha. So in all, I had a great time, I plan on going again too.

Our first game was tough as seen in the video below, since it was in a wide open space. One team was on the front and the other in the back, so we basically tried to advance to the middle without getting hit. I got hit on the hip. Second game we moved into the forest where we went to a hill where we were split into two teams. One was down the hill, shooting and trying to go up while the other team was on the top, those at the top had a huge advantage. It almost seemed unfair too, but I ended up hitting two people. Third game I sat out because I had no amo left.

Fourth game consisted of one team inside this protected port, while the other team was outside of it trying to get a flag that was right near our port. I kicked ass in this, shot 4 people but in the end I got shot too when I ran to the other side to get amo from Richie. The port has open space where people can shoot in or out from it. Fifth game was uhh.. I forgot about this one haha. I had no idea. Sixth game was our last I think, it was in the newest field and largest too, most expanded. It was the game thing as the fourth game, one team surrounding a port. So yeah, it was a lot of fun.

Here's all of us trying to cramp up for a photo, haha. I'm sure you can tell who I am because I have the exotic hair, haha.
(Let's see if I can name everyone, the girl next to me with the green hat is Azita. The guy behind her is a friend of Richie who's name I don't remember, he was a nice guy. The one to the right in the green sweater is one of Giovanni's close friend, I think his best man or something. In front of him, the little one who's getting blocked by me is Jimmy, who is Giovanni's son. The guys to the right, both in blue are other friends whose name I also don't remember. Then to the right with the hoodie is Richie and the girl in front of him is Griz, my sister. The girl in the white is a friend of Giovanni's wife who is in the blue sweater. The guy in the front is another cool guy who's name I forgot, he mostly backed me up during the games. Next to Griz in the black, behind the girl in the white is Giovanni and Richie's brother. The guy in the far back is Ricky who is an amazing guy, he's dating the chick in the white. In the far right in the teal and white is Daniel, my brother!)

Phew, man that's alot haha, and I still think some are missing like Giovanni and about four others.

video of our first game, I think Giovanni's wife took this. I'm in the front, in black and a bit of red in the back and no moving much hahah. (I move at 1:22 to a spot where one guy who advances now was) Sorry for the HORRIBLE quality, YouTube's bein' an ass. So yeah, that's my exciting weekend.

This week's been good, I got my report card and I have a 3.0 GPA, this saddens me because it dropped from last quarter. But I'm gonna try hard this time, Biology should be great because I've got an awesome AND hot teacher. Math should be okay as well as English. Ohh school, you somewhat ruin my life. So enough of my blabbering, have a good one guys! Til next time.

Oh and I'm pimpin' out my fic thats on my other page, if you're interested to read something. I think I'm starting off alright, I've got a full notebook that I have yet to type up so yeah, I'll get to that.
