
Let me start out by saying a hello to you all and a quick 'Ay Up!' to the fans of the site.

This group was made (With permission from Beth, thank you. :) ) to keep you all updated with the site, store and forum of AWOC. Any news, or new products will be posted here, as well as any other interesting things we think you might want to read.

To start, I'd like to mention that the forum is still in need of moderators, so if you think you have what it takes, sign up for it.

Click here to visit the recruitment thread!)

Sections needing Moderating

* The Notice Board
* Staff Wanted
* Official Polls
* Suggestions, Questions and Comments
* Axel's World of Crap™ Requests
* Axel's World of Crap™ Technical Support
* The Welcome Wagon
* Events
* Guides
* General Chat
* Auntie Axel
* The Creaking Zone
* Mature Discussion
* The Mature Creaking Zone
* Current Events
* Books
* Journals
* Gaming
* TV and Movies
* Food
* The Cookbook
* Thoth Academy
* The Theatre
* Sign Ups
* Character Creation
* RP Discussion
* The RP Creaking Zone
* The Gallery
* Gallery 18+
* Writing
* Writing 18+
* Archives
* The Staff Room


To be a Moderator

To be a moderator, the following is required:

* More than 50 posts (Senior Member Rank) - We want ACTIVE mods, not lurkers! (Although, at the moment this is void.)
* Spare time - A moderator must always have the time to patrol the forum at LEAST once every day. And they must always stay active and post! We do not want inactive moderators.
* Patience - Believe me, you are going to need it.
* Non-biased attitude - All moderators MUST have this. We have no favoritism here!
* Friendly attitude - Try to make people feel at least a tiny bit welcome.

A moderator is like a manager. They must help with basic duties, such as cleaning up and maintating the site (IE: Removing spam, relocated misplaced posts, etc.), keeping everyone in check, posting new content and, of course, advertising the site. Do NOT apply if you do not have the time to devote to your role. We take moderating very seriously. This is not a hobby. (You may choose up to 3 sections to moderate.)


We are also in need of tutors. What are tutors, you ask? A tutor is a person who teaches a specific subject. In this case, it is a member rank and the tutors on our board teach in the 'Thoth's Academy' section of the forum. Tutors can teach anything that they are knowledgeable in, from sewing, cooking, art, science, woodworking, even how to ride a bike.

Click here to visit the recruitment thread!

To be a Tutor

To be a Tutor, the following is required:

* More than 30 posts (Member Rank) - We want ACTIVE Tutors, not lurkers.
* Spare time - Not as much as a Mod position, but still enough to stay devoted to any 'pupils' you might gain.
* Patience - This is needed, as some new people are also new to forums in general, so they may get confused easy.
* A subject! You need to know enough about a subject to be able to teach it. After all, how awful would it be for people to join your lesson only to receive half of the training?
* A basic knowledge of forums - In case they ask technical questions. Also, this is needed, because a Tutor is responsible for maintaining their own forum section.
* Friendly attitude - A Tutor must strike a balance. They must always be friendly, but also stern if a pupil is not taking the lesson seriously. (And remember. Don't take any abuse.)

A Tutor is someone who teaches a subject to our members. Tutors can teach as many lessons as they like, so long as they can handle it and considering they know enough about the subject they are teaching. They will be assigned the Tutor rank and their pupils will be assigned to a specific group depending on the lesson they take. This will ensure that ONLY people who sign up can learn your lessons. Lessons must be done in parts and are to include a structure and also assignments. Pupils are to post their finished work, or experiences after the post you made. Then the next step can go ahead and the lesson continues.


We currently have only 4 moderators, so as you can tell it can be tough on them. We are hoping that a few people volunteer and hopefully we can gain a few new members too in the process.
