A Wonderful Day in the Life of ME


HEY GUYS!! Long time no talk!

Well anyways...so you'd never guess what happened to me at Slateport today!
Did you guess? No? Well too bad, I'm telling you anyway... As I was coming out of the Slateport market, after picking something up, I made my way over to the docks and saw that stupid ginger just standing there...Can you believe it? THAT stupid ginger? SOMEWHERE NEAR WATER?! I couldn't believe my eyes! Well he looked like he was waiting for something or someone. Who cares what it was. So I decided to play a little trick on that red head. >devilish grin<

While he wasn't paying attention, I came up behind him and pushed him right into the water! BWUAHAHAHAHAHA!! >D It was quite amusing, really. But since I am such a gentleman, I decided to help him out of the water. OH! what a gentleman I am, indeed! Well I had something to give him anyway. Remember when I told you I was coming from the Slateport market? Well they had these skitty dolls and they were so cute they just reminded me of that silly and totally unnatural red headed fellow. So I decided to pick one up and give it to him as a present...For no special reason, really...I thought I'd be nice for once and get him something nice, ya' know? After kindly helping him and giving him a ~wonderful~ present, I had to take my leave, being how busy I am at HQ. And he just stood there gaping at me because I'm just that good-looking. And he knows and thinks it!

Moral of the story? To know just how much of a kindhearted person I am~
