Volcano Sweet Volcano


Well, I finally got off that goddamn boat, and I am now officially never going to sea again. End of story.

So Mars and I just basically wandered around today. She leaves tomorrow morning, but we didn't really have anything planned for her last day. We spent quite a bit of time in Lavaridge, actually. We visited a few other towns as well, but I think Mars really liked Lavaridge.

We had a big dinner at home, and then had ice cream afterwards. I think Tabitha and Courtney are really going to miss Mars when she leaves. But they all exchanged phone numbers and emails and stuff so now my admins are going to be up all night chatting with my cousin instead of actually working...

Overall, the day was uneventful, especially considering the debacle adventure I had yesterday. I think Mars's visit was a success. Now she wants me to come over to Sinnoh...Maybe eventually. I'd kind of like a vacation.

Well, I'm off...Tabitha's trying to get me to play some stupid card game with them...How exciting...
