Lots of Food


So Archie and I had our picnic today. It went alright, I guess...except for the part when I almost killed myself with my soup -_- I need to start paying attention when I'm eating so I don't choke...

We went out and Archie bought Mars's gift, too, and I held Archie's hand the whole time even though I didn't mean to and it was kinda really weird... So everything's set for tomorrow! I can't believe it's already here...

Oh, and apparently Archie's concerned because his grunts are acting suspicious about a box or something...He's probably just crazy, but I might ask Tabitha to ask Shelly about it, because Archie seemed actually kinda legitimately concerned...

Well, I guess I should get a good night's sleep so that I'll be ready to go early tomorrow morning! ... (looks at clock) ...oh crap...
