Please Give Me Sleep


We didn't make it to Celestic Town before sunset, so we'll be staying here tonight. We met the Sinnoh League Champion, Cynthia, which was a big deal. The bigger deal was that she and Mars are good friends. Why wasn't I told?!

Anyway, Cynthia offered us a place to stay, and I felt really bad for taking her offer, especially because her grandmother's house is so small and Cynthia is insisting she's sleeping on the couch and Archie and I both argued that we'd take it instead and that became a rather large fight...Cynthia's grandmother must think we're crazy...

But yeah. Right now I'm sitting in Cynthia's living room as Cynthia and Mars catch up. Archie and I are kinda part of the conversation, I guess? Archie's sitting next to me right now and looking over my shoulder as I type this and it's getting really annoying and I'd kind of like him to GO AWAY ALREADY.

He's laughing at me now -_-

I've realized why I don't blog in public. I should shut down now, I'm getting really tired. I wonder if I'm not eating enough...usually I get lightheaded, though, not tired...I dunno...Well I'm going to power off and maybe just kinda relax while these two talk...And NO, Archie, I do NOT want to use your shoulder as a pillow. Get off my blog.

I get this feeling I'm never living those bus rides down...
