So, I'm still deciding whether or not to keep up with this blog-like thing. I'm a lazy person, but when I put effort into something its usually worthwhile. Right? (I can only hope XD)
Officially finished Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. I have to say the ending caught me off guard. It wasn't as mind blowing for me as the ending of AS II, but it was still pretty interesting. I think what blew my mind was the ending of The Truth videos. Damn Subject 16, you scary!! Anyone have any clue as to what he really means? I think I do but still---.... Now all I have left to keep me waiting for the next installment is multiplayer mode (and the Da'Vinci Disappearance). I. Hate. Hidden. Guns. They get used against me all too often.
Your humble narrator (catch the reference?) has chosen to spend this night drawing. If I get anything meaningful done, I should post it, right? I keep meaning to upload what I already have, but being lazy and all >____>;; hehe. No promises.
Until then-
Vittoria agli assassini!