Hi! My name is K.D., although most online know me as misachan83. I'm 32, and am an author and anime lover. Welcome to the shadows of my creative and sometimes odd mind
Hi! My name is K.D., although most online know me as misachan83. I'm 32, and am an author and anime lover. Welcome to the shadows of my creative and sometimes odd mind
Just thought I'd share a bit of poetry that I wrote. Might do this every once in a while
This image may end up in a wallpaper one day :)
My heart is full
Full of love
Like the light from the Heavens
That shines down from above
It’s in that light that I see your face
The beauty given from Heaven’s embrace
The light of love that finally shined through
Bringing me where I’m meant to be, to you.
So, I've been around, although I admit that I haven't been able to do a lot lately in drawing and all. It's been a kind of up and down thing because I've been having some problems with some of my fingers due to a recent health issue. But I'm still trucking along, and thankfully have been able to use them better in the last day or so. I've also gotten to work a little more on writing and all as well. Hopefully I'll get back to doing some more wallpapers soon. Honestly, I've been a bit caught up with a lot of the big world issues too, at least in watching, and it's also been another factor to distract me ^^; But I'm still around, and was very excited to see the little interview with nikkeh09 and to see that Judai is still able to make her walls and all, along with all of the new stuff from everyone else. Like I said, being here always cheers me up
After what I've seen today, I really have to say this. I'm not taking any kind of sides on anything. Instead, I'm simply giving prayer to human life. Everyone is human, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. I've seen horrible things against just about everybody, not just what we hear on the news, and it's been so sad for me to see on the news about Baltimore, which is very close to my home, going up in flames over the hatred of people who are basically disrespecting the memory of a young man who's life was senselessly lost. Like I said, I'm not going into any side of that debate. I'm only feeling the sadness over his tragedy and for his family, and now for those affected by what I feel are stupid, stupid actions. If you want to make change, then go out and be that change, be the one who starts a good movement instead of destroying.
Anyway, thank you for all who read this, and I hope you all will share my prayers for peace and for Freddie Gray's family, along with all of the others who have gone through such tragedies. Let the change for peace begin with us.
Hello my friends! Just thought I'd check in once again, considering I enjoy doing it here and there and it's nice just to talk. Hopefully it doesn't annoy anyone to listen ^^; I'll say now that this is a bit personal, so I'll give fair warning.
Anyway, I've at least been trying to stay busy, although at times it's been hard in the last few days. I swear if the back of my head and the base doesn't stop hurting so bad, I'm gonna lose it It was so bad the other night that I will admit that I had some very bad thoughts. But I didn't do anything, I swear. I just can't knowing how I'd hurt my friends and family. I can't say that other things in my life have been going much better, but I keep praying for a miracle anyway, so hopefully one comes soon.
And so, I've been trying to keep focusing on my writing and art again. They're at least stuff to help lift my spirits, along with spending time with my kids. Like I said, hopefully things will start looking up too. Either way, it's a good thing to be alive and have friends and family right?
Thanks for reading and being there. I really appreciate all of you and hope you all have an awesome day!
Yep, it's been a bit since I've really done anything, but I've been rather busy lately to do any drawing or wallpapers. Actually, I've been working on my newest novel, and on Word so far I've gotten up to 74 pages... Well, lot more to go there, but at least I'm getting somewhere. It's fun too, so I enjoy it. Hopefully I can get back to drawing soon, and some wallpapers if I can figure any new inspiration. Anyway, spring's finally coming in the weather, so I hope everyone's enjoying it!