Carrying On...

So, I've been around, although I admit that I haven't been able to do a lot lately in drawing and all. It's been a kind of up and down thing because I've been having some problems with some of my fingers due to a recent health issue. But I'm still trucking along, and thankfully have been able to use them better in the last day or so. I've also gotten to work a little more on writing and all as well. Hopefully I'll get back to doing some more wallpapers soon. Honestly, I've been a bit caught up with a lot of the big world issues too, at least in watching, and it's also been another factor to distract me ^^; But I'm still around, and was very excited to see the little interview with nikkeh09 and to see that Judai is still able to make her walls and all, along with all of the new stuff from everyone else. Like I said, being here always cheers me up
