Wow, it's been so long...

Hello everyone :)

Wow, it's been quite a while since I've posted anything here. I really need to get back to artwork

Anyway, to start off, I wanted to give a huge thank you for everybody for their sweet birthday wishes. I was so happy to read them. They brightened my day big time.

Things have been a little rough in my household in the past year, so I guess you could say that's why I've been struggling creatively, although I'm trying hard to get back into those things. I've worked on some paintings, and I do have a drawing of Setsuna from Yashahime that I've been meaning to upload here (I really need to do that).

I've also been trying to get myself back into writing more, and even started a page on Wattpad to share my stories and all. There link is here if anyone is interested in checking them out.

Home life has been a bit of a whirlwind since the pandemic and all. My husband's still struggling to get a job and we've been living off of savings, so I'm hoping that he'll get one soon because that's starting to run low. I've also been homeschooling my son due to issues with his school not handling things correctly. It's been an adventure, but a good one in a lot of ways for all of us.

Anyway, like I said, I'm trying to get back into doing more creative things too, especially with art and writing. They've always helped me through my tougher times with depression and all. It's also going to be nice to try and come back here to share my work and also to see what my friends here make. I always enjoy looking at all of your art too. I love seeing everyone's creativity.

Well, I guess that's all for now. Like I said, I'm going to try to be more active again, so I look forward to being here and seeing you all again
