Name: Kayla | Age: 17 | Twitter

Soba ni Iru Kara

Maybe it's the new semester, but I have a new energy for everything, it seems. Getting up at seven every morning doesn't seems so daunting. I look forward to my classes. I'm brushing my teeth every morning. Working out every night. What the hell is wrong with me?

The aforementioned aside, I wrote about a page tonight. I'm also thinking that what was originally going to be the final half of chapter two is going to become the beginning of chapter three, as chapter two is nearing 3,000 words, and chapter three would (doubtfully) reach the threshold mark.

Chapter 2 Word Count: 2232 words

Hell. I wish NaNoWriMo wasn't so damned far away now. I could possibly actually accomplish it for once, with my current pace/attitude/weirdness. Ah, well. I suppose if My Echo, My Shadow and Me hits 50,000 words, I'll consider having accomplished my own personal WriMo/WriYr (yes, that's "Writing Year"--I just made it up).

Post Title From: "Soba ni Iru Kara" by AMADORI (Yes, I just used the song title because the song is in Japanese. XD)


I'm sick, and haven't gotten too much writing done this weekend. It's fairly saddening. I think I wrote about paragraph's worth last night, maybe.

I'll try and do better tonight, and hopefully this damned cold will go away and let me feel good enough to finish the chapter.

And I Could Take You To Place You'd Like To Go.

I didn't get any writing in My Echo, My Shadow and Me done yesterday because the school's computers are down (for students). A virus apparently got on the network. Nice job, tech admin. Nice job.

But, as I didn't post the updated word count and such (or did I? I forget sometimes), here is that:

Total word count (chapter 2): 1769

In other news, I came up with another original fiction idea today.

To summarize: Think 1984, Fahrenheit 451 and The Giver, all under a strict, theocratic rule.

Post Title From: "With Money and You" by the Ink Spots.


Did a little editing in chapter two before I went to bed last night, as I was too tired to do any actual writing. Writing at this moment in Google Docs, however. Will probably be doing the same next class hour as well.

Further update with progress later.

And When Evening Shadows Creep, Do I Lose Any Sleep Over You?

External Image
Spent the weekend finishing achievements in Fallout 3, as well as hanging out with friends and such, so I didn't get nearly as much writing done as I would have hoped. But, I have at least two hours everyday in school that I can spend writing (and will), so it's not a problem.

I have written about a half a page today, however, so I shall post a status update.

Total Word Count (Chapter 2): 1330

Also, I downloaded Google Desktop so I could write notes to myself. It's been handy so far. I wish it had more gadgets, though.

Post Title From: "Do I Worry?" by The Ink Spots