Name: Kayla | Age: 17 | Twitter

I Don't Wanna Come Back Around Tonight

Here I am, four months later, still alive and, you guessed it, still writing. Normally I'd say, "I'll make sure I come around more often!" but I've been saying that for months now about this place and LiveJournal and it still hasn't happened. So, I'm not going to make any promises.

Lo' and behold, I am currently obsessed with Fallout 3. If I could, I would marry the entire series and have its mutated lovespawn, or perhaps we would create some sort of Ghoul baby. Regardless, as I mentioned: obsessed. Therefore, I have written fanfiction.

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Chapter 1: With Plenty of Money and You

Today's Word Count: 0 (rectifying shortly, and yes, I am aware it is almost six in the morning--this is prime writing time for me!)
Total Word Count: 6404 (3300 words in the first chapter; another 3000 words in a much later scene; and 81 words in another much later scene)

I'll probably update again when the second chapter is up.

Post Title From: "Natural Life" by Breaking Benjamin