So I Feel A Little Like A Child Who's Lost

I'm still testing the limitations of Worlds out, and while I'm disappointed that they're not nearly as customizable as myOtaku is, it's not important. myOtaku is my (rarely updated) blog, and Written By Machines is a place for me to muse over my own writing, give myself reminders--anything related to my writing.

So, for my first post, a snippet from my current work, Inure. It's taken from a rather lengthy flashback scene that I'm particularly proud of and extremely happy with (strangely).

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Everything was quiet besides the soft playing of a record somewhere on the first floor and a dog barking its lungs out down the street.

He wondered if Grandpa and Daddy had (literally) killed each other yet and whether he was going to be the next to go.

(“Tell me again why I haven’t killed you yet, boy? And you’d better give me a good goddamn reason, because Jesus Christ I just can’t take this anymore.”)

But there were footsteps coming up the stairs now and Teddy recognized them even before he heard Daddy’s voice calling, spitefully, “Just using the fucking bathroom and then we’re leaving, you decrepit, inconsiderate prick!”

Teddy jumped to his feet and turned the lock open almost automatically, but Daddy’s footsteps stopped short of the door.


There was a quick gasp, followed by rustling (struggling? Teddy wasn’t sure.), and then easy, casual-sounding shushes coming from Daddy.

“Just want to talk with you . . . not going to hurt you . . . please, Lynne . . .”

Teddy cracked open the door and peered to the left.

Daddy was holding Momma carefully against the opposite wall, one hand cupped over her mouth and the other arm trapping her chest. She shook her head and the rest of her body wildly, tears spilling and saliva dripping down her chin, making it as difficult as possible for Daddy continue to keep a reliable hold on her for much longer.

He fell forward, slightly into her to hold her straighter, stiller, and rested his head distractedly against the wall.

“I’m sorry. Really. Oh, God, I’m sorry. I was drunk and it, I – Jesus Christ, I really am like him, Lynne, and I’m so fucking sorry!”

Teddy felt the knot in his chest constrict more and resisted the immediate compulsion to do something stupid.

(“Did I say I wanted a fucking hug, you insolent little brat?”)

He heard the beginnings of a sob (from Daddy or Momma, he couldn’t tell) and Daddy’s hand fell limply from its place over Momma’s mouth.

Teddy slapped his hands over his ears the second Momma’s mouth opened and the hideous wail started. He squinched his eyes shut and hid behind the wall next to the door, attempting to block out as much of the sight and sound of everything as he could.

There was shouting, heard even over the wailing, but in the end, all Teddy could hear clearly were his father’s final, berating words before a vicious crack and a thud silenced him: “Guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, does it, Dad?”

I'm really not quite sure why I like the flashback scene I've taken this snippet from so much. If I were to venture a guess, however, it would probably be the insight into Roy's character I provide--bits and pieces of his history and what shaped him into the convoluted person he is to Teddy in present day, as well as a stark reminder that he's human, like everyone else. Despite being a commiserating, bitter, alcoholic who punishes his child more severely than need be, the scene puts him into perspective.

Post Title From: "Nothing Can Be Explained (Vocal Version)" from the first Bleach OST.
