These Scars, They Swallow Hard The Part Of The Past That's Hollow And Dark

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Of Teddy's unhealthy craving to earn Daddy's approval. (Written in response to The Writers Bloc Prompts, Session 9)

(A brief summary of Inure for those just tuning in.)

It was possibly one of the most important items Teddy owned. Daddy had given it to him, smacked him on the back of the head for “good measure”, and then told him to never lose it. He hadn't told Teddy what the key went to, but the day he'd received it, Teddy had hardly even noticed that small, missing detail. He was too enthralled with the key, and its importance. The fact that Daddy had entrusted it to him was more than enough to put a wide smile on Teddy's face for quite awhile.

A week later, Teddy figured out what the key went to.

One whole week of being locked out of the house after school and waiting for two hours outside until Daddy got home from work (Daddy with a knowing smirk on his face and a snide comment ready for Teddy by the time he'd gotten out of the car), and Teddy had put two and two together.

The surprised look on Daddy's face that Friday gave Teddy another reason to keep a smile on his face.

He'd passed Daddy's test, and his most important item—no, his most important key (the only one he owned, actually)—had gained an even stronger significance to him.

Still looking for a response or two to my question in yesterday's post.

Post Title From: "The Shape" by Slipknot
