I Guess You've Noticed That My Arms Don't Fit In My Old Suits

I haven't written anything for My Echo, My Shadow and Me (yet), though I did do a somewhat-intensive outline. It's about half-detailed, but half not. Strange, but it works. Mostly I was trying to figure out approximately how many chapters I had planned, and the more detailed chapter outlines are those of chapters I thought of only recently. I ended up with twenty, plus an epilogue, with point-of-view switches to Kate every five chapters (chapter eight is the exception, as it can't help but be told from her point-of-view). Why'd I decide on the point-of-view switches? Because that other 3,000 word document I have written is in her point-of-view, and it just doesn't work from Charon's.

Originally, I thought about changing point-of-view every other chapter, but after detailing a few chapters, decided that every five was almost perfect.

In the end, I may end up with less than twenty chapters. However, if I do, it will be the result of two chapters being merged into one, for length purposes. My baseline for chapters is 3,000 words, so if a chapter is looking to be under that, I'll join it with either the previous chapter or the following one. I do have a few chapters planned that may end up this way, so we'll see how it turns out. But I also have a few chapters that may end up lengthy and result in my splitting them, so who knows how many chapters this will be. No more than twenty, I would guess, though.

Technically, right now, I'm working on chapter six, because I'm a naughty girl who can't write things in order. Nah, I wrote chapter one and what is to be chapter ten at the same time, so I'll have chapter two done soon.

This may be the first fic I ever finish. Actually, scratch that: this will be the first fic I ever finish. I am determined to it.

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Today's Word Count: Over 3400, if you count the outline I "finished" (a few areas could use a little more detail, but it's not really a concern right now).
Total Word Count: 6404

Post Title From: "De-Evolving" by Jonathan Coulton
