When I'm Not Playing Solitaire, I Take A Book Down From The Shelf

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I went into my outline today and combined a number of chapters in my outline, bringing the total to seventeen and an epilogue. I still know where the original chapter splits were, so if the chapters end up being of considerable length joined, I'll split them again.

I didn't really end up getting any writing done today. A sentence or two in chapter nine, but it's not even worth updating the word count. I was too tired this morning after getting up, realizing there was no school but not feeling like going back to bed yet, and then crashing around noon. The rest of the day I wasn't home (went shopping with my Christmas money with my mother, then hung out with friends). And I slacked when I got home, besides those few sentences, haha.

I'll try and write a little after school tomorrow/later. I'd like to finish chapter two by the weekend, however. I figure if I can push out a chapter every week, I'll feel as if I'm keeping on "schedule," whatever my "schedule" is. Perhaps I'll create one. Maybe it will push me to finish things on time. Which is probably what schedules are for in the first place. Oops.

I'd like to put aside about an hour everyday to devote entirely to writing. I'm thinking from about 10 pm to 11 pm or 10:30 pm or 11:30 pm every evening. It's not my prime writing time (3 am to 7 am--I can't figure out why I'm so prolific during this period), but school sort of fucks that up for me. So, I'm thinking:

Sunday-Thursday: 10pm-11pm or 10:30pm-11:30pm
Friday-Saturday: 10pm-11pm and 3am-7am

We'll see how this turns out. I'll start this weekend.

Post Title From: "Don't Get Around Much Anymore" by The Ink Spots
