Art Fight and Current Life

It has been a while! Lately we've been busy with odd weather followed by being sick and finally now summer. We had a really unseasonably wet and cold spring and summer weather didn't really hit us until the last week of June. We all caught some sort of nasty cold and were out for nearly two and a half weeks. If you have kids you know how much it sucks to have a three year old whose nose just doesn't stop running. I also ended up in urgent care due to a very bizarre headache. It was located only in one spot, not light sensitive, sudden stabbing pain and then disappeared, and then it would strike again. It was honestly so painful it woke me up the entire night and continued into the next day so I figured I should have it looked at. Luckily it was nothing too serious as far as we can tell and I was told to try and take it easy.
Okay! Now onto the fun things! As of July 1st art fight has started. Moonfini actually got me into it as she had heard about it before. Basically you register and get placed on one of two teams either Wither or Bloom. You then submit some of your own OC's for the other team to draw/attack you with. You then are able to search through their characters and chooses someone to "attack". Once you attack they're able to revenge if they want and of course vice versa. So far I've done 8 attacks and I thought I would post the comparison pictures here for people to see if they wanted! Art fight is still going for another couple weeks so if you want to get in on it you should go to their website of
