That's right folks another world by me. This just proves I'm still alive. But to push it even further this will be be where I put all my videos by me. In which will mostly be filmed where I am currently sitting, IN MY NERD CAVE!!!
- Created By Carney
Its Cos-Friday. Rickenbacker Part 1
So I think I'm going to try a new thing. Post some video or sorts about cosplay every friday (or in reality as many Fridays as I feel like it.) So here is the first video, my FLCL Rickenbacker bass in the works.
Vlog Rats - Carneys Cave
So this post was originally supposed to be posted on here on Tuesday, but I ran out of time before I left. But nonetheless heres another video.
New Segment - Carneys Movie Realizations
So while punching my computer and watching Indiana Jones (multiple), I came up with a new segment for my channel. Its the obvious realizations I make in movies. So to start off Indiana Jones.