Greetings comerades!

Update 6/29/08

Greatings everyone,
Recently I have not been able to do two things. Go on the internet (it's fixed, for now) and draw.
Reason being my desk lamp which I need for light in my drawing sessions malfunctions. Hopefuly I will be able to replace the lamp by this week so that I can continue to draw.
Secondly, If I had missed commenting one of your drawings, sorry, my internet was down.
Ok, thats all for now, hope to hear from you all soon.

Good day.


I got a scanner! yes! finally, I can scan stuff, I wish I could re-send all of my previous pictures scanned, but they got that stupid one picture per day rule. Well then... Peace out.



Alright, i just created my world, well, i guess it's only going to be rarely used, maybe just for updates and news. and funny stuff that happens. ok, peace out.