Wow, I haven't been on here in so long! It's almost unnerving. I don't even know what I can put up here... hmm. Maybe TegakiE scribbles? Fancharacters? Eh, it'll come to me.
Oh, I should also put up brainstorms onto here, especially ones I get for fanmews. It's way too easy to take some ideas and slap them all together.
Mew Cotton Candy
-- Hmm. Either Barbe à Papa or Watagashi Taikouba. I kind of want to go with the former because it sounds cuter to me.
-- Sheep DNA because it's soft and fluffy... like cotton candy. Santa Cruz sheep is an endangered breed, so possibly that?
-- Light pink color, definitely. I don't know if I should stick with a darker pink for her trim or go out there with a cotton candy blue color.
-- Weapon: hmm. Maracas? I don't know. If I change it to Mew Wataame, I can do Wataa-mace, which would look like a giant cotton candy stick with the fluff on top. Wataga-sitar? Cotton Candy Cane, which is Cotton Candy + Candy Cane. Cotton Candy-Striped... idk? lol, I'm just throwing out ideas here.
-- Attack: Even though I'm not set on a weapon name, it'll most likely be stafflike in nature. Ribbon Cotton Candy Spinning? Ribbon Cotton Candy Floss? Again, not very sure on names.
-- Cotton candy is light and fluffy in nature, so Cotton Candy should be like that as well. Sweet and bubbly, yet naîve and sort of... dense, to be nicer about it. Eh, I'll flesh things out later.
-- Ah, outfit, right. Um, I kind of want it to have a "spinned" look, so fabric wrapped around her bust? Or maybe use that as a skirt? It also needs to be very cutesy, so maybe like, a poofy skirt? Ballet flats with ballet ribbons, ribbons wrapped around her arms, and a hairband will be included.
-- Poofy hair, since it is cotton candy and all. That's where the hairband will come in. Hmm... it'll have kind of an '80s quality to it, though, haha. Fun and flirty~ <3