Profile--The Bloody Fae

Name - Aurora Dietra [Dee-EH-tra]

Title - The Bloody Fae

Occupation - Agent - Black Pirate Captain

Age - 28

Height - 5' 7"

Weight - 135 lbs

Personality - On the surface, she seems the portrait of a lady: calm, collected, demure. Yet just behind her electric eyes lies the spirit of a demon. Test her ire, and the wrath she brings is both swift and torturous. She has very little tolerance for dissent or incompetence, and despite her young age, is an excellent judge of character. She derives little true pleasure from the world; hence, her desire to destroy it.

Bio - Born and raised on the streets of the Undertown of Verne, Aurora doesn't know or remember who her family was. Abandoned by the age of three, she quickly learned to adapt to a cutthroat world, using her ability to be easily looked over to her advantage. She made alliances and enemies, but never any friends; the only person she trusted enough to rely on was and is herself. Growing up on her own, she often saw the underbelly of Verne, its less scrupulous citizens and the dark deeds they conducted. She also held knowledge of the Middletown and the Heights, and the rich lives they lead. By her teenage years, she wanted nothing more than to destroy the world that held no future for her, and by the fate of a clockwork world, the opportunity was afforded to her. Recruited by a Black Pirate to work as an Agent, Aurora gladly fulfilled her duties, be they as menial as cleaning the deck, or as dark as cold-hearted murder. She worked her way through the ranks and soon enough, she became known for her ruthless efficiency. Aurora quickly earned herself the title of Captain Dietra, The Bloody Fae, for her graceful kills. Now, at a mere 28 years old, she stands captain of the Rose Rebellion, one of the most feared pirate ships in all of Atropos, her only life goal to destroy the world that gave her nothing and took everything except for the calculating killer she is.

Appearance - [img][/img]
