The End Resides Here

Since I wasn't tagged for those little quiz-things, I take it that everyone pretty much guessed correctly that I don't do those things. I do like reading them, but I don't really like taking them. So, thank you for not tagging me (my title refers to the fate of any of those things that make their way to my site). What did I learn? Almost everyone is a right-handed heathen.

Also, it finally looks like Fafner is picking up steam. The first 5 or so episodes are all mysterious and such, but they're too vague and disconnected to really hook a person right away. But if you have patience to see if it's going anywhere significant, it eventually does. That said, I still don't have a favorite character. I know I'll eventually find someone likable in it, but I'm not quite there yet. C'mon Fafner, I've been meaning to watch you for so long and you're not quite living up to my unreasonably high expectations!

Also, I realized that I don't own a copy of J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. Dear Lord, it now look like I'm the heathen for not having my own copy. I'll have to rectify that so I can someday do a proper review of it for the Library of Loons. Either that or I review something like The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics: "The 'One-to-one (and onto) correspondence' never felt so existentially ridden with a Sartrean nausea."
