News, Brainwashing, and Sources

Okay, I originally wanted to follow up that News Nugget about the Hallyu Brainwashing Wave with another story, and here's the rough version:

Following Sousuke Takaoka's anti-Hallyu statements, which led to his contract being cancelled with Stardust Promotion, a boycott of Fuji TV has been planned by the online Twitter group nofujitv88. The Japan-based Twitter group calls for a boycott of Fuji TV this August 8th, aiming to reduce Fuji TV's ratings. As the anti-Hallyu critics in Japan have claimed, Fuji TV broadcasts the most Korean tv programs, claiming as high as 40 hrs per month for dramas. Whether this is a result of Japanese nationalism or simply some people tiring of overexposure remains to be seen.

(I deliberately included that nationalism part, since it wasn't hard to find comments claiming that's what it was: e.g. murderclub said: "Stick with your own countries, for real." yeah that's not racist at all lol. maybe we the tell the boatloads of chinese immigrants in america to fcuk off, they should stop expanding to other countries, for real. what's so detrimental about hallyu? there's hallyu because there is a demand. there's no reason to hate unless you're a nationalist or something


maudshausden said:
It's obviously racially motivated, seeing how he's singling out group of people, the Koreans in this case, which is pretty much textbook xenophobia and discrimination. I'm actually surprised how racist he sounds, and he's or was in showbiz too!


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand nobody else gave a shit. Lol.
Stupid xenophobic assholes.

The first two are from and the last one is from

Please note that this is an early (and unfinished) rough draft, but as things currently stand, I'm not sure I'd submit it even if I cleaned it up. When I did some more digging around for this item, all of the sources I found ultimately traced back to forums and blogs:,, and

Basically, my rough draft is based on the second linked item, and that itself and related items can be traced back to the Twitter page nofujitv88. All are basically copy-paste newsjobs, repeating the same things.

However, some things concerned me when I looked at all of them: (1) The "prominent Japanese scientist" that all the pages refer to, Mogi Genichiro; well, his name actually seems to be Mogi Kenichiro. Small typo, perhaps. (2) Net-speak "netizens" aren't exactly reliable sources, especially when it's all masked in anonymity. (3) The reference to the 40 hours dedicated to K-dramas is based on a screencap - and that's it, really. I'd like to know more about it, but I can't find any more sources for that number cited. It never occurred to anyone that attaching something so precise with something so vague ("netizens' findings") might be a problem? (4) Evidence about Korean agencies buying slots for their talent needs more substantial backup than references to what a vague collection of netizens have "found". (5) Most, if not all, items point to one another in one relatively small closed circle, with very little else backing up the claims involved.

Those were some of the reasons and problems why I couldn't submit a follow up item based on that Twitter orchestrated boycott of Fuji TV. If more news outlets other than blogs and forums pick this up, then I'll redraft it. Otherwise, it's just riddled with problems that I'm not willing to pass on to fellow Otakuites as solid and reliable news.
