Instead of two girls for every boy (pace The Beach Boys) the UK has an average of 1 CCTV camera for every 32 citizens. I was reading an older news article dating back to March 11 of this year, (right here) because I'm still getting my head around that whole surveillance thing I mentioned sometime ago (relating to the riot in Vancouver, BC). The current riots over in London are making me revisit and rethink surveillance issues, but so far I'm not ready to start putting all the pieces together. It'll take more time, since I want to steer clear of resorting to what might be merely popular buzzwords amongst social and political commentators - viz. "crowdsourced surveillance." (I'm more and more certain that almost no one has really questioned what this actually means; it just gets used as if its meaning and implications are clearly given.)
But what also interested me in that link is the "Femail" items on that page. I don't know if it stays on the page and is constantly updated, but if you click the link it should be there. Notice that all the items in the Femail Today are all trivial items of no consequence - whatsoever! So tell me: Am I the only one who thinks "...good god..." when seeing that?
Here's some riveting and hard hitting items they give us - and by "us" I mean girly girls who think math is, like, really hard: "The Kardashian Kollection Finally Hits Sears", "Bachelor Star Vienna Reveals Her New Nose", and "Steve Urkel Is Back!"