Okay, I'm not even going to explain this because words fail me like they've never did before. That's the back cover to a manga called Tsundere, Heidegger, and Me by Junji Hotta. The adorable little girl with the crazy looking cat? That, my friends, is the manga version of Nietzsche. I think the girl to her left doing the *POKE!* is the philosopher Immanuel Kant. To her right is Hegel (I now feel motivated to read more Hegel.) Read some more about it here!
If anyone feels so inclined, you can buy it here and then throw it at me: http://www.amazon.co.jp/ 僕とツンデレとハイデガー [単行本(ソフトカバー)]
I always knew something was missing in fundamental ontology - and it was tsudere!