Roughly a week ago, I placed a request for a DVD from the library. I decided to borrow the documentary Inside Job, which studies the financial crisis of 2008. I think that's pretty relevant to today's world, huh? Well, apparently, 33 people ahead of me think so to.
There are 10 available copies to borrow, and all of them are checked out. As I'm currently seeing where I'm placed in the queue, I'm number 31 of 33 requests. Yeah, I'll be waiting for sometime before I get my chance to watch it.
I'm now curious to see what else is either checked out or has lengthy hold requests. The Corporation, which I already mentioned in an earlier post, has 3 copies, but none of them are available. It has 1 hold request. Capitalism: A Love Story has 1 available copy of 6, and has 1 request. (For some reason Brother Bear 2 showed up when I searched for "Michael Moore".)
Since I have to wait for my turn in the very long line, I guess I'll borrow something else: The Take, a documentary about Argentina's own economic troubles in 2001. Anyone else see any good documentaries? I love 'em, so I'm open to suggestions!