First post

Yeah this is my first post, so I guess I should tell you a little about me. Well lets, see here, I like Skittles And I love cake, My favorite colors are Black and purple. I wish I could eat cake all the time, but I can't. Why? I really don't know why. Maybe cause it;s bad for your health, maybe it's cause it makes you fat, or maybe it cause people are jus tmean and don't want you to eat your heart out. Wow, I'm way of topic here. I like to draw. I can draw just about everything. I read a lot of horror books and mysteries and anime books. Well that's it.

Hey have you ever had the feeling that people never listen to you? Cause I get that feeling all the Time. Like for example, I could be talking to ny friends about something so totally awesome, and then when I'm done talking, there all like, What you just say? Then I have to repeat myslef all over agaon! Or like other times, they ask me a question, then I go to answer it, they walk off while I'm talking. just leaving me talking to myself. You the sad part is, that I look like a complete idiot, standing there aving a long conversation and thers no one there! That feeling is sooo annoying!! But it happens like all the time. Even the teachers start to do it. Then I'm all like, hello, can you see me? Did I become invisible and didn't know it? Then I try a experiment one day. I walk around all day and didn't say anything. Walk past all my friends and everything they didn't say nothing to me. Then the next day I say hi to them. Thne they were all like, hey where were you yesterday? We missed you. Then I was like I was here! didn't you see me!!??? And thats how I realized, no pays attention to me!!! Then I got all mad and stuff. They were like why are you mad for? Then I was like Cause you don't listen to me, but before i finished my sentence, they left and went somewhere else..
You know how this made me feel? Bad. So what I did was the next day, Icame to school with cans of soup (the kind of cans were you just pull the lid and it opens.). And while they were ignoring me, I poured it inside there backpacks. So yeah, when they went to get there stuff it was covered in soup. I felt bad foe doing it, but then I shook off the feeling and laugh because it was funny how they look and everything. They never knew that I did it.

So if you ever been ignored or think that I over reacted, comment on this. If you feel the same way I do about getting ignored let me know and comment. I will appriciate your imput. Thank you for listneing...or did you leave to before you finish reading this?!?
