Camping out

Sorry took me sooo long to write about my camp out. But I am very individual and I had people to take care of...So yeah, It was dark and cold. And there was a lot of trees. Me and my best friend put up our tent and stuff. It was actually fun camping. No wild animals attack us.(disssapointing right? I mean I was looking forward to some animal acttacking action, no not really) Let see....what did we do...Oh yeah, we told scary stories, mad a campfire, which by the way almost got us in to troubel,(I'll tell you about that later though) read books dug holes. Dont know why we did that but we did. And also got scared. So yeah back to the story of the campfire. We wanted to roast marshmellows and stuff, so we made a fire. Then, we left to do something else. Big mistake, turns out, that the fire got a little out of control. And also turns out that my friend can be a little stupid at times..... When we came back to the tent, it wasn't there. Why? cause it burnt up. Good thing I did not have my stuff in there. First thing I did was move stuff from the area. Smart I know. (I mean, just because the trees and crap got burnt up dosen't mean my stuff has to too.) Then My friend poured an alcoholic drink on the fire. Which made it bigger. To make matters worse, Ik turned to see a sign that said, not to make a fires and all that other good stuff on it. So yeah. You may ask, how did i get out this one? Well to be honest, I did not know what ot do. So, yeah, we just left and act like nothing happen. Irresponsible, I know but hey, its better than getting in trouble and facing fines and stuff. So yeah like when we came back, to the spot, the fire was gone! ( so were some trees and bushes but whatever) I was surprised. I am still surprised and wondering how it ghot put out... after that I realized how dangerous it is to camp out side. So we went to by back yard and put up another tent. I hope my parents don't ask me what happen to the other one, if so, I would have a lot of explaining to do...and I might get in trouble. So fun camping trip right? Yeah right...Man I hope no one finds out about this....But other than that little mis-hap, the campingout thing was a huge success.
