Hurting You


When I used to see you,
I was happy.

Though I didn't know it,
for I took advantage of all things.

Now when we are far apart,
I think to myself.

What did I do?
Why did I do that?

I made a mistake,
I didn't know it,
but I had made a mistake.

I ended it and now I have to see,
that hurtful look in your eyes when I did it,
when I hurt you.

I didn't mean it,
I was wrong, I see that now.

I just hope that you can see,
The regret I feel,
The remorse in my heart.

I don't cry,
it's impossible for me to cry,
but if I could, I would.

I am sorry for hurting you.


I haven't posted apoem in a while and I know this doesn't rhyme, but I don't care. I just had to get what I needed to out.

If you have any idea for better rhyming, then let me know....
