Okay, well my Mum's boyfriend, James was walking home from work when this Indian man came up to him and said he was a Face and Palm Reader. He then scribbled something on a piece of paper and put it into James's hand. The Indian man then asked his facourite colour, (Blue), favourite flower (rose) and what type of Pet he has (Dog). James answered the questions and then then eh opened the piece of paper. On it said Blue, Rose and Dog. o_0
The man said that James had had some trouble in his life about a year ago. He the scribbled something on a piece of paper, then asked was it financual (cant spell) or relationship troubles. James replyed and then he opened the piece of paper and there was the answer!!
THEN, the man said the James had had a big accident about 2 or 3 years ago (yes, it was a motorcycle accident)and said that he was going to have a car accident in 1 to 3 years from now. Either he was going to be a pedestrian or the driver. (this is really scary)
Heh... The Indian man asked for $470 to wish him good fortune and to make the accident not as bad... James asked for his number so he could think about it.
What would you do???
This is some scary shit! :D