Hey, everyone. I'm just letting you know that I might be deleting my account in the near future. To be honest, I just don't get on here anymore really. I've ran out of inspiration to draw, nobody is really on chat anymore and most of the people (like 95%) I talked to have moved on. The reason I'm giving a heads up instead of just straight up deleting my account is because this site still has a small place in my heart, but now that I'm seeing that it's pretty much dead here, what's the point?
This place used to thrive with people and excitement, but now it's just barren every corner I look. I don't like pointing fingers, but I just want to point out that maybe it's because the site isn't really updated at all. I'm not talking about posts from the admins and such, but it's just aesthetically, well, bland. Nothing new has really come, nothing is updated, it's just all the same. Granted, I know this is an art website and there's only so much you can do, but it's like the creators and supervisors just abandoned it. I don't know. Maybe it's just me complaining and not realizing the good just around the corner. But, I really just don't see the strive and dedication to keep this place running it's best anymore. So, again, what's the point? What's the point in staying here?
I'll most likely come to a conclusion soon. But I'll definitely make a post on my decision and let it stand for a few days or so. Anyways,it was great in the long run. If you still wanna follow me, here's a link to my facebook, if you aren't already added.
Later, guys.
Hi, everyone! It's been a while since I've done a post like this, but I want to bring it up again.
As you all know, teapartyprinvess and I are together (at least I hope you know that). Well, this coming July 26th will mark 3 years of us being together! I know right?? THREE FREAKING YEARS! Like holy shit that's a while! Lol
I don't know what my life would be like without this girl. Yeah, we fight and slice at each other's throats, but let's be honest. If we didn't fight we would be weak. It wouldn't make us stronger and come to a realization of how much we care about each other. Fighting can be an important role in your relationship because of that reason. It helps understand how much love and care flows through the other person and you. We don't have to like fighting (I personally hate to fight, because I get way too out of hand with it), but we shouldn't not fight, otherwise you wouldn't start to understand things about the other person. It brings out deeper things inside you that the other person will realize. Unfortunately, I suck at understanding this kind of thing, so this makes me somewhat of a hypocrit. ^^;;; But, I really do try to do my best to understand before I get too hot headed. But let's get back on track.
3 years. Jeez time flew by. And not in a fast way. It feels like it's been years since I've been with this girl. I consider that a good thing, though. Why? Because that means it feels like I've been in a longer relationship than I have been. I dunno, I consider that an accomplishment; to have that long lasting feeling. It's great! And I hope to be with this girl for the rest of my life, whether we fight or don't. I don't want to lose her. Ever.
Hi, everyone!
So, I was able to get my internet on my laptop up and running again. It's not perfect, and I'm still getting rid of this laptop, but at least I can jump on chat and post things now~ It's been FOREVER since I've been fully active on here. @.@ Sorry about not being on for an extended amount of time like I used to. Hopefully that'll change soon ^^;
So, I somewhat picked up drawing again. It's been quite some time since I posted any art on here. I'm still pretty rusty, but it shouldn't take too long until I get back on track and post more frequently. But yeah~ Here's a WIP :D
Hope to talk to you guys again soon! Bye~
So, yeah. As what the title says I am on somewhat of a hiatus. So don't think I died, or left Theo. Actually, I'm on the every day through my phone. Reason being is because my computer/laptop/POS decided to not work with me anymore. What I mean by that is it just doesn't want to connect to any Wi-Fi. It'll notice the Wi-Fi but won't connect to it. I don't know if it's a hardware problem or if it's a software problem. I have a couple of friends saying that it could be a single router going into two channels, but I don't really know how to check that. I'm tempted to just go ahead and crash my computer and start all over.
Anyways, the reason that I haven't been posting any pictures or posts in my world is because it's the fact that I have to use my phone in order to do anything. It just takes a lot more time to get things done. And the fact that I can't upload my artwork through my phone. For some reason it won't let me, even though I can put it into a file and just put it on my phone. Also, I just had the luck of inspiration for quite some time now and it's annoying because I have so many good ideas and it just doesn't want to flow through my mind and into my hand. The same thing when it comes to making videos.
I've had so many ideas on making ace combat videos, getting my inspiration through music and I can't do it because of the lack of a computer. I mean I can still make the video, but I have no way of uploading it to YouTube unless I put it into a flash drive and uploaded through someone else's computer. The problem with that is my dad doesn't let me use his computer because he scared I'm going to put a virus and it's even though I know how to get rid of viruses and I don't know how to work Windows 8 which is what my mom's computer runs (I've never fiddled with that operating system). Also, and it may sound like an excuse, but my laptop seems to run pretty slow when I'm making videos. Sometimes it'll not render and sometimes it'll just freeze on me. So, yeah. It sucks having all these ideas inside your head and not really being able to do anything about it. At least, not yet. But yeah. So now you know why I haven't been active in a while. Very rarely will I ever post a comment through my phone so don't expect much from me until I get my laptop fixed or if I crash it. so, hopefully I will see you guys and be able to post stuff again in the near future. Until then have a good one.
Yup! It's been a year and six months since Tea and I first started dating! It's awesome being with her~<3 I can't wait until she comes down here this summer! Last summer I went to see her and I had a blast. Definitely was one of the greatest times of my life! But now she'll be down here! I'll have her in my clutches >:3 BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA cuz you know were going to have fun! :3 I'm still getting this figured out like what to do and where to go, but it'll all be good in the end ^^
Happy 18 imouto *hugs and kisses Tea* <3