Whatever. This week is going smoother.

So, yeah. Last week was waaaaaay too shitty. Lost all contact with someone I felt dear to me, even if they didn't feel that way towards, but whatever. I'm not worrying about that. They wanna be whatever, then they can be whatever. They don't wanna be friends, then whatever. I'm done trying with that shit. They wanna talk, fucking contact me. Just ready to get rid of these last two boxes already. So, yeah. Like I was saying, last week sucked. And it really put me in the worst of moods, more so just pissed that people don't want to understand my thoughts and such because fuck me, right? Whatever.

Got pulled over because one of my license plate lights wasn't illuminated. Bitch, if you can still see the fucking letters and numbers then it's fine. Cops here can be assholes if they wanna be. Usually they're not, but this one was giving me quite the lip, I seriously wanted to shove his fucking toupee in his mouth. Got let off with a warning. Woot.

I'm still holding on to my Xbox I'm selling to a friend. That's been going on since...... July? I don't remember, but I told him I'd hold it for him when I could've easily sold off to someone else for the same price. Why not just do that, you ask? Because I'm nice. Ya hear that? I'm NICE. Wanna know why I can be a straight up asshole? Because if you push me the wrong way I'll have no problem getting in your face about why you're being a cunt muffin. I strive to be nice, STRIVE IT!! But if you're seriously going to press my buttons, then I'll have to press your eyes into your skull with my thumbs as you scream for the pain to stop after I castrate you. Yeah, being with a Mexican lunatic for 4 years really helped bring out the "no fucks given" side of me. I used to just not say or do anything about whatever was said to me, but now I just don't give a rat's ass.

Ive also noticed I've become more vulgar within my posts. Oh well. I'm not sorry, really. Why should I? It's not directed towards the people who typically read these. If you do read them through to the end, I congratulate you because holy shit I'd want to punch myself in the face for never shutting the hell up. If you get offended, well you can either stop reading these or eat a bag of dicks. Pretty easy choice out of the two, no? But yeah, as long as you're not an ass with me, I'll be cool with you. :3

I feel I'm just talking about what I have become and not really why this week is going smoother. My bad~~ So, yeah. I found out that the post office here is hiring and I'm trying to jump on that shit. $20 starting pay, plus benefits and holidays??? Sign me up~~~ so I've already paid for the study packet and I should be taking the initial exam soon. There's soooo much reading involved, I feel like I'm back in school XD after the exam all I have to do is an interview. I hate interviews with a passion because of how bad I choke up during them. And no, practicing with a friend won't help with that. My nerves are going to set in regardless so it's really pointless. If I don't get the post office job I have a fallback job pretty much thanks to a friend of my father. It's a delivery job, but I was told it'd pay about $13 - $15 an hour which is fine with me, as long as I don't go back to being paid less than $10. I gotta save up so I can get out of my parent's house after all XD and yeah I'm still movin out of state. That's not changing.

The only setback that this week has given me was my car died while I was out in the middle of nowhere at like 10PM and I didn't have anyone to pick me up or come help out, so I had to call an Uber and ditch my car. Tomorrow, I'll have my dad take me back to see what the fuck were going to do with it. The first thing I'm definitely doing before moving is getting a newer car. I'm due for one, in all honesty. At least the uber driver was cool.

Anyways, that's my week so far. Fuck last week... like seriously, I'm just done with a lot of shit. All I'm going to do now after posting this is lie in bed and watch DBZ Abridged because I am like 20 episodes behind.
