A Profanity-laced Tirade for Your Enjoyment and Edification

You know what, internet? It's one in the goddamn morning and I'm not even tired. Let me tell you something, internet: you are way too angsty for your own good. I mean, look at these people. They go to bed thinking everything's fine. They wake up the next morning and they're on fire. What the hell kind of world is that? I'll tell you what kind, internet: an apathetic one. Not a bad one or an evil one or whatever shit you thirteen year olds are calling it these days. I swear, if I have to hear one more self-righteous ass go on in chat about the steady decline of the world from the Golden Utopialand™ that it once was to the horrible-place-it-is-now-where-bad-things-happen-to-good-people(namely me)-and-the-environment-is-slowly-corroding, I'm going to pull out some leet hax0rs, give myself modpowers and permaban every single one of them (just imagine that: the chat without angsty jaded teens. Oh, what a world!)(P.S. - I have no such leet hax0rs. I was only making my rage clear. No need to ban me for being a threat to security.). And fuck your, "I hate people," shit. I hear that way too much in the chat. Every 14 year old and their grandmother hates people. Woop-dee-fucking-doo. We get it, kids: people do awful things sometimes. We start wars and blah blah blah, but that doesn't mean humanity should be written off entirely. But back to my original point: the world isn't evil, it just doesn't care about you. You think it's evil, though. You believe it's evil with all your heart. Well, internet, let me tell you my theory about this phenomenon. You, internet, are extremely self-centered. You can't stand the fact that the Universe is completely apathetic to your existence, so you write it off as evil and languish about it in chatrooms to the agreement and sympathy of your fellow Angst Machines and the annoyance of anyone who's graduated from high school. Soon, a giant circlejerk develops, with emo corners and "I hate life"s galore. And then I stay up all night and write something like this because you angsters and all your ilk infuriate me, especially when I'm sleep deprived. So in conclusion: HEY EVERYTHING! FUCK YOU!! That's a little joke for all the acoustic guitars in the audience tonight. But seriously, you guys suck.

And now I wish I was more coherent so I could develop these ideas further. Oh well, a task for another day, I suppose.
