Hate to Love <3

My story has a similarity with KuboRocks, you see I absolutely hated anime with a burning passion that I thought could never be extinguished.
My first actual awareness of anime was a girl I met in middle school so completely obsessed with Pokémon I wanted to puke. This girl was highly annoying to me and so my idea about anime was not in a good light from the very beginning.

So middle school came and went not much contact or interest in anime. I went to a high school in a different town I only knew maybe 3 people in the whole school. It was time to make new friends, well guess what? They found me! Loud, crazy acting anime freaks! They tried with all their might to get me into anime, couldn’t do it. Every year of high school they would try and convince me to go to Anime Boston, now to me it sounded like nothing but torture. So I would never go.

High school came and went. First year of college a friend of mine from high school asks me to go to the con with her again. At this point I had stumbled across an anime on adult swim called S-Cry-Ed, it was on at I think 2 in the morning every week night once I saw it I was hooked. I made sure I stayed up every night to watch it. Now of course I had not admitted this to her or any of my friends, how could I?! So I told her I would go.

That was the beginning of the end for me

I fell in love with all of it everything was so incredible to me. What really did me in was the AMV contest, I thought it was just about the coolest thing ever. There was one in particular still one of my favorite amvs. It was Death Note with the song Bird and the Worm by the Used.
So that prompted me to watch Death Note, and simultaneously get into a whole new genre of music. So here I am still really a newbie I suppose, I could ramble on now about what else happened at Anime Boston, or other amvs that resulted in obsession but I believe I have noted the actual reasoning for my obsession today.

A side note: I am so obsessed now that my license plate reflects my fandom (kind of pathetic I know, but I love it!)
