Channel 18 Episode 1

‘This is a dream. This is a dream. This is a cruel dream. This is a cruel dream.’ Akira shouted in his mind.

“OH YES!” Itsumi said jumping up “WE ARE NOW SHOWING INFOMERCIALS AT MIDNIGHT. That is all, See you tonight. This has been 3 O CLOCK HAPPY HOUR” Skah slowly turned the camera and Cree turned the computer off.

“What the hell in the living hell was that?” Akira asked dumbfounded.

“That my friend.” Skah began “Was the madness known only as THREE O CLOCK HAPPY HOUR”

“How come this was never on when I watched this channel?” Mine asked.

“That’s because you were at college learning to be Master’s of Disasters like us.” Cree informed her.

“That was so cool guys” Mine yelled throwing them thumbs up.

Akira cocked his head to the side.

That was not what he wanted to hear.
“Damn this is so boring.” Yuki said “That dog always does the decision making.”

"At least we have two more hours of paid programming left. After that we can go to sleep." Cree said. Him Yuki, Skah and Itsumi were all putting in infomercials on the newschannel.

"Do you want to see Legal Girls at their best?" The television shouted.

"Who let this infomercial in?" Yuki asked

“I am not sure.” Cree said lighting a cigarette. Skah stole one from Cree and stole a quick glance at Itsumi She looked about dead.

"Yuki lets change infomercials." Itsumi said.

“This one sounds pretty interesting.” Skah said getting closer to the television.

"Do you want to see Legal Girls drunk?" The tv shouted.

Cree and Yuki turned around and grinned. “This DOES sound interesting.” They said sitting right next to Skah. He slowly moved over for them to sit.

"Yuki shut up, just hurry up and change the channel." Itsumi said.

"But this is our paid programming we have to watch. That is what you said" Yuki said looking closer at the T.V. He cocked his head to the side.” Cree and Skah both zoomed in closer

"Um Itsumi?” He asked.

"What?" She snapped

"This girl looks a lot like you, only she looks completely drunk."

"Honey Please." She said turning her back to him.

"So how does it feel to be completely wasted on T.V.?" The man on the television asked the drunken girl.

"Honey Please!" The drunken girl shouted.